Thursday, April 26, 2007

For those of you who asked about stamping... are a few examples of what I was talking about:

This is one I made last night.

And a few others:

I don't know how good you can see that one - it turned out kind of dark - but at least it gives you an idea of what we were doing!
And as long as I'm posting pictures, here's one of my furbabies :)

Aren't they cute?
Last night was fun - we chatted and stamped for a couple of hours, and it was nice to have some one on one time with K - it makes me want to get to know her better. I really like her.
Oh, and did you happen to notice my ticker??? That's right, we are officially less than a week away!!! I can hardly believe we're so close! After today he will only have 2 finals left! Oh girls I'm SO excited!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Seriously. I have literally nothing exciting to talk about. I’m so boring this week. Since I posted last… let’s see… well, the weekend held a lot of homework for Troy and not much else. We squeezed in a little shopping and some tennis, (we’re horrible but we used to play quite a bit so we’re trying to get back into it) and Sunday dinner with my parents, but other than that, our weekend was uneventful. Monday and Tuesday both were just work and then home in the evenings. Troy came home early from work last night because he had a migraine. So he just went to bed as soon as he got home, so I ended up going to be early too. Well - 10:30 is early for me anyway. And here I am at work again. See, I told you it was boring! Tomorrow evening I’m supposed to be getting together with a new friend to do some stamping, so that should be fun. This is the couple whose wedding Troy was in back in February, in Indiana where she was from. So now that she’s living up here, we’ve been getting to know each other and so this will be the first time we do something with just the 2 of us. Should be interesting… but good interesting. :) She seems like a really sweet girl.
If you get a chance, send a few warm wishes and prayers Sara’s way… she’s 4 weeks pregnant after dealing with IF issues and hoping for the best!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Excited? About Preaching?

How many people do you know would get excited over PREACHING? Okay, well I'm sure it's established by now that Troy and I aren't exactly normal by any account, but seriously. Today was an EXCITING day for us. Every year his school chooses 3 guys to preach to the whole student body (about 1,000 students) in the school-wide chapel service at the end of the year - these guys are chosen from the Senior class by their peers and the Bible faculty, based on basically their ability to preach and their example/testimony around school. So ever since his freshman year, Troy has actually been hoping that he wouldn't be chosen because of how nerve-wracking of an experience it would be. Well a few weeks ago, he found out that, wouldn't you know it, he had been chosen. Of course I was extremely excited for him, and he was very honored - but he started to get nervous right away. But we both just prayed that God would use him to touch the hearts of the students and that rather than just being an entertainer he would be able to communicate some of the important truths that God has been teaching him recently. So today was the big day. I took off of work this morning to go and offer some moral support for him (of course - I couldn't miss it!). And praise God, he did SO WELL! We were both SO nervous (do any of you get nervous for your husbands when they have big things coming up too?), but as soon as he stood up to preach he said that he just felt calm, and excited at the opportunity. So it really could not have gone better. It was definitely an exciting time for the two of us. And he got a lot of positive feedback from both the students and from his professors, so it was really encouraging for him/us. So there you go. Now you can say you know someone who genuinely gets excited about preaching. :)
My period has continued to be very NORMAL, which is another unusual for me... so I'm crossing my fingers and toes and sending a few prayers up that maybe - MAYBE - my cycle will continue to be regular this time around. Maybe even the big O? Who knows?
This weekend doesn't hold ANY exciting plans. Troy's got homework (surprise surprise) and I'll probably take the car to get the oil changed and get tested for emissions (woo hoo!). I'm sure we'll find some time to squeeze in some quality time together - and hopefully spend some time outside! It's 65 degrees out! Breakin' out the capris baby! ;o)

Monday, April 16, 2007

I have CRAMPS!

Ok, so for all of you normal girls out there, that is definitely NOT usually an exciting thing… but for someone like ME, who hasn’t had cramps and/or a normal period without the assistance of birth control or clomid um, like, EVER, you’d be excited too. It tells me that these vitamins/supplements that I’m taking are actually DOING something. Crazy thought. I’m not sure if I ovulated because I haven’t been charting, but a normal period (with cramps!) is a good sign to me. And I did have slightly sore boobs toward the middle/end of this last cycle. So that’s another good sign too, right??? Cross your fingers for us… we still plan on seeing the RE, but maybe we won’t have to do much more than that. Wouldn’t that be nice?!
Oh, and here’s a thought that I’ve been contemplating. Am I weird for not really wanting to see/talk about/hold/get excited about other people’s babies, given our circumstances? It hit me the other day that, even though I LOVE kids and desperately want one of my own, I just have a hard time getting excited about other people’s these days. Like last weekend my cousin was in town, who I haven’t seen in quite some time. She was at church on Sunday with her husband and new daughter, and everyone was oogling over adorable little Olivia, and practically throwing elbows to get to hold her… and there I was, trying to act like I even wanted to be telling my cousin how cute her baby was. And she WAS SO cute, but I just really didn’t have an inkling of desire to hold her or tell her that. Of course I did, just to save face, but, you know, I didn’t really want to. So that just left me thinking. I know I still love babies and kids. Really, I DO. Is it just selfish of me to not be able to enjoy other people’s because I don’t have any of my own? I talked to my sister about it and she thinks that it’s my way of defending myself. You know, from feeling that hurt that comes inevitably along with babies. And from those dreaded “SO… You look good holding that baby…. When are YOU guys going to have kids?” comments. She’s probably right, but I just don’t like the fact that I don’t enjoy babies as much as I used to. Almost like something’s wrong with me when I say I want one so badly but then I don’t even enjoy the ones that are around me. Am I weird? Any input here? Anyone else ever feel the same way?

Friday, April 13, 2007

The cat is out of the bag

And it’s making me a little nervous. I know I don’t really need to be… but… well, let me back up a little.
Yesterday afternoon, I was talking to one of the tellers I used to work with all day, every day. The subject turned to babies, of course, as it usually does here, and so, when she asked me – not discreetly at all – if we were thinking about having kids… I told her. Actually we haven’t been preventing it for almost 2 years. And I went on to explain that we were kind of waiting for Troy to be done with school, but we have done some medication, but it didn’t do anything, and now we have an appointment set up with the specialist… yup, it all came out. And now I’m nervous that because she knows, soon EVERY last one of them is going to know. Not that SHE’s that kind of girl who would go blabbing to everyone about our personal lives. But she may tell one or two people, who will then maybe tell one or two people… and, well, you know. That’s how it goes around here – especially in an environment where 51 out of 58 employees are women. Aghh, I don’t know why I care. It was bound to come out sooner or later. But I guess I just wish I could control who knows and who doesn’t, and how they find out. Because some people I’m sure will be very sweet and understanding, and then, there are always those that just… aren’t. The ones who tell you to stand on your head after sex. The ones who tell you that you should “just adopt.” The ones who tell you that it will just happen when it’s meant to happen. When I told K yesterday, she was actually very sweet about it. She just looked at me and said, “Well I wish you guys the best of luck with everything. I’m sure that has to be hard.” That was about the nicest response that I think I’ve gotten when telling someone who I’m not really close to. I just know that not everyone will respond that way. But what’s done is done. Who knows – maybe she won’t even tell anyone.
Thanks for all of your sweet well-wishes. I ended up leaving work early again yesterday because I felt so horrible. But I’m feeling much better today after taking Nyquil last night – I didn’t wake up at all until the alarm went off! It was blissful. I still sound like I’m pinching my nose shut when I talk, but I can deal with a stuffy nose as long as I don’t feel like crap.
I am absolutely stuffed from a Cobb Salad that I just had for lunch. It was huge! And really yummy, but I’m wishing I hadn’t eaten quite so much of it. :P Troy and I had a really good talk over lunch about me being supportive of him in these last couple of weeks of school. He’s really starting to stress about getting everything done – because he has A LOT to get done – and he’s not sure how much he’s going to be able to work in the next couple of weeks. I’ve been stressing a little bit about money because he’s been working less and less just to try and get everything done for school (thank God for a job that is flexible and he can just come and go!). So it puts more pressure on me since I’m bringing in most of the money, and when I really don’t make that much to begin with, and I’m the one who does all of our bills, and sees how much is coming and going… yeah, I start to stress a little bit. We have a good amount in savings, but with all of the weddings and everything else coming up this summer, I really didn’t want to have to draw on that. But he helped me to put things in perspective, and remember that the most important thing is that he DOES graduate, and without cutting back at work he may not be able to do that. So if we have to take from savings, so be it. It will be ok. And he’ll just work some overtime when school is over to get it back up to what it was. Whew. So we’re all good now. All he needs me to do is support him the best I possibly can. And I can do that!
Tomorrow I’m going to pick up my bridesmaids dress for my brother and soon to be sister in law’s wedding in July. I’m excited to see it, because I’ve only seen a picture and that wasn’t even in the color that it’s going to be. I also have to order the dress for my friend Susie’s wedding from David’s before April 23rd – which happens to be quickly approaching – hmm, maybe I’ll do that when Troy’s studying (which, as mentioned before, he will be doing a lot of). And then Saturday night we’re going to a staff banquet put on by our church for everyone who works as Sunday School teachers, deacons, choir, etc. to show appreciation – so that should be nice. Sunday afternoon we’re doing lunch with Troy’s parents to work on plans for Troy’s graduation party (yay!) – and of course church, and that’s about it for our weekend. Now, just a couple more hours till we’re there…

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Maybe not SO bad after all

Sitting here on my butt at home with a box of Kleenex beside me and the TV on, I'm thinking that maybe being sick isn't quite SO bad. :) I was feeling just as crappy this morning when I woke up as I did yesterday, and hadn't slept very well last night, so I decided to call in to work this morning. So after calling in I went back to sleep... and didn't wake up until 10:30! So I've been sitting around most of the day - not getting a whole lot accomplished. Although I DID get Troy's graduation announcements all printed up and ready to send. Just need the postage and they'll be in the mail. It's REALLY happening, kids! ;)
As I sit here I'm listening to the wind blowing outside... would you believe that it's SNOWING? And not just a few flurries here and there, either, no. It's been snowing all day and there's probably a good 3-4 inches out there. It's the freaking middle of April, and yet we're having SNOWSTORM! Ay, gotta love Wisconsin weather. Anybody up for a trade?
I've also been reading a really good book. It's called Successful Adoption - A Guide for Christian Families and it's making me want to just start the process RIGHT NOW! The author brings up examples in the Bible of people who were raised by someone other than their biological parents... like Jesus (Joseph), Samuel (Eli), Esther (Mordecai), and Moses (Pharoah's daughter) - and all of those people were used by God to be great leaders. Not to mention the awesome analogy of our relationship with God - our Abba - Who adopts us as His children. It also gives testimonials of people who were adopted or have adopted children and how it has affected them. In fact the book is written by a lady who just adopted a little Chinese girl last year. Anyway, it's a great book, and making me more committed to adopting someday, whether we have biological children or not. And it also gets into some of the nitty gritty details, and although I haven't gotten real far in it, I would recommend it to anyone considering adoption just because it could be a really great resource.
So that's about it for me today. I have to go shower now (tee hee - no, I haven't showered yet, and it's almost 5 :) and make dinner for Troy. He's home from work tonight to get some serious homework done. We're in the homestretch baby!
Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Tuesday, 4/10/07
4:30AM – Wake up, try swallowing. Ouch. Throat hurts. Bad. Check the clock – 4:36 am. Get up, go to the kitchen and get a drink of water – ouch, ouch, ouch – go down the hall to the bathroom . Blow stuffy nose. Check mirror to see if throat looks red/swollen. Yup – both. Swallow again. Ouch. Back down the hall to bed. Swallow – ouch. 4:45 fall asleep.
7:26AM – Wake up, think the sun looks a little too bright to be 6:45. Check the clock. Crap. Roll over, tell Troy what time it is. He decides to skip his first class. Oops. Swallow – ouch. Dang, sore throat wasn’t a dream. Get up, get ready for work.
10:00 AM – Sitting at work. Swallow – ouch. Wishing desperately I could be at home still sleeping. Is it really Tuesday? Because I could swear Monday is repeating itself. Swallow. Ouch. Ugh.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Coming Attraction

Well, I now officially have some MAJOR motivation for toning up these legs of mine! Saturday morning we got together with 2 of the couples that we’re going on the cruise with in Sept/Oct and made some plans… and yes, we ARE going!!! I am SO excited! 7 days of pure tropical bliss on a cruise to the Eastern Caribbean… Fabulous. SOOOO excited! Now I have something to count down to! We’re already looking at what excursions we want to do (snorkeling, maybe parasailing, LOTS of sitting on the beach soaking up the sun!!) – does anyone who’s done any of these things have any suggestions? So yes, now it is definitely time to start taking my running seriously. Starting tonight! I figure I have 5 months to look great in a swimsuit again – so I think as long as I’m serious about it, it shouldn’t be too bad. And I can’t wait to be tan again and ahhhh… I’m a little excited! :) :D :]
Sunday was a bit of a bummer because Troy had a REALLY bad migraine, so that wiped him out for most of the day, and seriously limited what I could do because I wanted to be there in case he needed anything but didn’t want to make any noise. So Sunday kind of sucked. :P But thankfully he’s feeling better.
Sooo… nothing exciting planned for tonight. Had dinner with my parents last night, which was nice since I haven’t spent any quality time with them at all recently. We were supposed to do Sunday lunch with them and the rest of the family, but because of Troy’s migraine we didn’t make it. Sad to say that things seem better when we don’t see too much of them though. If we stay away for a few weeks, they actually WANT to see us again. Which, as I discovered last night, is kind of a nice feeling. I know it’s not intentional, but as I’ve said before, they just don’t seem to “see” us much right now. We haven’t provided them with any grandchildren – nor do we even have any in the works for that matter. And although I’m sure they don’t mean to be this way, we just feel like we’re not as valuable to them because of that fact. Anyway – I didn’t mean to dwell on the negative there, it really was a nice visit with them. I think it’s probably better that we had that one-on-one time with them rather than trying to compete with the grandkids.
So tonight will probably be catching up on housework that’s been neglected the past few days. Can you sense the excitement oozing out of me?! Well, maybe you can, but it’s definitely not about the housework!