Monday, February 4, 2008

A little help, please?? :)

So, I have a question....

What would YOU do if you were living an 8 hour drive from your family and had the chance to spend a weekend with your sister, mom, and sister in law? Well, that's a no-brainer, right? Okay, then let me complicate it a little.
For one, you... you're infertile, and on a waiting list with an adoption agency, with no clear timeline of how long you'll be on that waiting list, and you're so early on in the process that it isn't really real to you yet. Yeah, you'll be a mom... someday, but you're definitely not feeling like an expectant parent yet.
Okay, so with that out of the way, let me add that the sister? She's pregnant. 23 weeks, and really showing. And glowing. And although she was infertile for almost 10 years, she is (and rightfully so) thrilled and overwhelmed about this pregnancy and it's just about all she can talk about.
The sister in law? Oh, she'll have her 18 month old son with her, who is absolutely adorable, but in a room full of women will be ALL that she will talk about.
Add to that a mom who loves you very much, but has never been and will never be infertile, therefore doesn't really understand what comments hurt and which ones don't, so will undoubtedly say something over the course of the weekend that is hurtful. Of course she has the BEST of intentions, but sometimes things are just said that, well, you can't help it if they hurt.
And as much as you LOVE spending time with each of these girls... when they're all together... you just KNOW that ALL that they will be talking about, and shopping for, and eating for, etc etc etc... all weekend long, will be BABY. And unlike other family get-togethers, your ever-understanding husband WON'T be there, and well, since you'll be sharing a hotel room with these girls, there will be no. escape. No place to go cry. No place to go and NOT think about babies.

But you really want to see your family. And maybe, just maybe, it won't be as bad as you think.

What would YOU do?