Saturday, October 17, 2009

Inspired, Once Again

So, I'm going to be totally honest here. Up until about half an hour ago, I was ready to be done blogging forever... er, at least for the next couple of years, or however long it takes to get our baby. I had been thinking about the concept of blogging in the past couple of weeks, and why I did it, and what it did for me, and if it did anything for those of you who followed me, and honestly I couldn't really put my finger on anything good that came out of my blogging. Not to mention I had started to get tired of posting yet another "Nope, nothing has happened yet. We're still waiting" type of entry, when most of the people that I follow here have their families and moved on with their lives. And then, this afternoon when I found myself with a few extra minutes and a computer on my lap, my fingers found their way to the old blogger account... and that is when I realized why I blog. Besides the fact that I love being able to "journal" this way and look back a year ago, 2 years ago, 5 years ago, etc. and see what I was thinking, feeling, experiencing... all of that aside, I realized that I went from "having a blog" to "being a blogger" for one reason and one reason only. And that reason is why I will continue to be a blogger, although probably never as often as I used to. That reason? You. My friends. With interesting lives, encouraging words, funny stories, and, when I logged on today and read one of your comments... actually missing me? And still praying for me? Even though I haven't posted regularly for over a year? How crazy of me to think that I could just leave and never come back! Isn't that terrible of me? Not completely forgetting you, but easily pushed to the back of the mind, not wondering what was going on in your lives or really caring about your challenges or accomplishments or every day happenings. And then... then when I read about them, that is when I remembered why I did this. Not just because it was therapeutic for me during a time that I needed it. Not just because it was a way of journaling what was going on in our lives. Not just because you all kept me riveted with interesting stories and the many similarities in our lives... but because we were friends. Really, truly. How silly of me to forget! So here I sit, ready to rekindle some old friendships and apologize for being gone so long. I can't guarantee a post every day, or even every week, but I do hope to post something at least a little more regularly, and I have every intention of continuing to follow - and care about - what is going on in your lives. Sentimental? Maybe. But true. I mean every word. So thanks, friends. I'm looking forward to keeping up with you in the future. ;)