Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday Again??!

Is it really Friday again already? Wow – this week has really flown. Probably mostly due to the fact that I have had ABSOLUTELY NO FREE TIME! It has literally been run, run, run non-stop. I’ve been working till 5:15, and by 6:00 I have to be at church for our VBS, which runs until 9:00, then there’s cleaning up to do and prep for the next night. CRAZY! So, although the week really has been great, I can’t deny that I’m looking forward to it being over. I have a half day at work today, and then it’s off to shop for my sister-in-law’s baby shower this weekend, and then I’ll probably have a little time to clean up around the apartment (which has so sadly been neglected this weekL), and then it will be time to get ready and go to VBS again. I’m co-teaching the 4-6 year olds this year with another lady from church, and it’s really been fun. This is the same age group that I normally work with on Wednesday nights (we have Pee-Wee Club, which is kind of like a choir club, and the kids sing for the adults in the Sunday service about once a month – so cute!), so it’s all the normal church-kids, and then some. They sure are a busy age group! To be honest, I was kind of dreading working with the same group that I always do, because I’ve been getting a little burnt out on Wednesday nights (those kids can be really naughty at times!). But it’s amazing to me to see how God has changed my attitude by working with them this week – He has really renewed my love for these kids. It’s always neat to see the kids really grab on to the truths that they are being taught. One thing I love about the age group, too, is that they are so affectionate. They’re not afraid to come up to you and give you a big hug and make you feel like the best teacher in the world! J So it’s been a really rewarding week so far. Tomorrow morning Troy and I will be heading up to Upper Michigan, where his family is all from, and celebrating his grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary. It should be fun – we haven’t been up there since last summer, so we’re looking forward to it. And we get to stay in a Jacuzzi Suite that his parents reserved for us, so it’ll be like a mini-vacation! (I won’t be able to go to the afore-mentioned baby shower on Saturday since the anniversary party was planned before the shower) Then we’ll be heading home on either Sunday night or Monday, depending on how we feel at the moment J - and probably do some work on the new apartment (painting!) on Monday afternoon, and we don’t really have ANY plans for Tuesday yet. We’ll see – usually my family does some kind of picnic or something, so we’ll probably do that, and see some fireworks at night. So, that’s basically my life in a nutshell for the next few days! Exciting stuff, huh? I’m excited though, it should be a nice break from the norm (again – I think I was saying the same thing two weeks ago! Oh well, that’s what summer’s for, right? J).
BTW - I did end up getting my mirror last weekend! It's really pretty and I'm excited to start setting up the living room in the new place to see how it will look on the wall.
Well, here I go. Lots to do!

Friday, June 23, 2006


I just have to say first of all that I’m so glad to have a place to come and be able to put my thoughts down about the whole ttc issue – it really helps to be able to have an outlet for that. I have my sister, which I am so incredibly thankful for, but some days, when she’s not around, and I just need to get my thoughts out…it really does help to have this blog.
On that note, it seems like some days are just harder than others, for some unexplainable reason. Today is actually a pretty good day, but yesterday I was really struggling with the whole thing. I think it probably had something to do with the fact that I saw one of the guys who I went to youth group with, who is a year younger than me, who now has an adorable little bouncing 9-month-old. For some reason when I see people who got married after or around when we did with a baby, it’s harder. Maybe it wouldn’t be so hard if they didn’t seem so dang happy! Of course, I want them to be happy, but it’s just hard to see, when I would love to have that happiness too. Not that my happiness is dependent on that, because it isn’t, usually. We are SO happy with just each other… but I think it’s perfectly normal to want children to make our life together even more….complete. Isn’t it? Sometimes I wish I could be one of those people that genuinely doesn’t care if they have children or not. That sounds heartless, but some people just seem to be perfectly content with never having children. That’s fine for them, but unfortunately, I just don’t think I’m made to be that way. It sure would make things so much easier if I were. Why is it that the people who are that way seem to have no problems getting pregnant, though? One of the girls at work was telling me that her sister-in-law is pregnant, and was one of those people who never really wanted children but decided to have one, for her husband who wanted kids. Well, she informed her that she was going to have all the tests done to see if anything was wrong with the baby, and if there was anything wrong at all, she would “terminate the pregnancy.” It just made me want to cry when she said that. Makes me hope beyond hope that they have a perfectly happy, healthy baby so that the poor thing has a chance. And then there was Amanda (my pg work friend) who wanted me to feel her growing belly, and was talking about how she’s going to have to start wearing maternity clothes soon… it was just a hard day.
So now I’m thinking about things and getting down again – so let’s dwell on the positive! It’s Friday! And it’s going to be a great Friday night, too, because Troy went in to work early so he’s getting off early, and we actually get to have a normal Friday evening together! (he usually works till 11:30pm – tonight he’s getting off at 7:00) I’m super excited about that. I think we’re going to go out for dinner, and go check out the new apartment again (it was supposed to get the new carpet put in yesterday :), and then do some shopping. We got a $100 rebate for his cell phone yesterday, which we were just going to put in savings, but they sent it to us as a Visa Card, so heck, I guess we’re just going to have to spend it! We’re so terribly responsible, aren’t we? :) Oh well. We’ll probably just spend it on exciting things like toilet paper and cat litter and shaving cream. Wow, crazy kids we are. Actually, there’s a mirror I’ve been admiring for our living room wall behind the couch that Troy said I can get… so maybe we’ll pick that up tonight. We have pictures on the wall now, but I’d kind of like to go with a little bit different style of decorating for the new place. I’ve already picked up a couple little things here and there. I’m pretty excited about it, if you can’t tell! :)
Okay, that’s about all I have. I’m gonna try and concentrate for the last couple of hours of work. We’ll see how that goes. :)
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Last Weekend's Excitement

Where oh where should I begin? So much happened over the course of a few days… I guess I’ll just do a little run-down of the days’ events. Feel free to skip whichever parts you’d like. :o) Here goes!

Troy and I both had vacation days from work, because we had a trip scheduled to Wisconsin Dells that we had been looking forward to for quite awhile. So we slept in and had a wonderful relaxing morning, and left for the Dells in the early afternoon. We were there by 2, and checked in to our hotel (the HILTON! It was very nice! :). Next we decided to explore a little, and ended up doing the Ducks ride that afternoon. That was fun, and after that we went and did some shopping downtown. We got some YUMMY fudge and moo-lattes around supper time, so we weren’t hungry for a real supper, so we went back to the hotel and relaxed a little, and did a little swimming. When we finally got hungry (around 10PM) and went to a nice restaurant called Houlihan’s – upon suggestion from Troy’s Dad – and it worked out quite nicely since it was right next to our hotel. :) After that it was time to go home and to bed!

We bummed around most of the morning, and around noon went to Mt. Olympus, a water/theme park and spent a few hours there, going on water rides and roller coasters. Fun! Then we went back to the hotel, relaxed, I ran a little bit in their workout room, the we swam, went to Wal-Mart (of course :), and came back and ordered in pizza, swam again, and went to bed.

We slept in and were originally going to go to IHOP for breakfast, but when we got there, the waiting line was out the door!!! So we opted for Frappaccinos from Starbucks, and were on our way home. We made a quick pit stop for lunch at Subway, and headed home. It feels like I’m forgetting so much of the trip, but all in all it was such a wonderful, relaxing time, and much needed quality time spent with my sweet husband! ;o)

We were just getting into our hometown when my mom called us, asking us if we were ok. We didn’t understand why she was asking at first, but after some explaining, we found out that a tornado had just touched down a few minutes before and done some major damage about a block from our apartment! Well, we hurried the rest of the way home, and after a little bit of a runaround due to the fact that the police were blocking off all the streets affected, which included most of the ones that we needed to get home, we finally got back to our apartment, and breathed a sigh of relief that everything was ok. Allie (our cat) was a bit scared and there were a few sticks down in the yard, but other than that, looking out our windows you’d never know it. So we took a walk and took some pictures (if you want to see more about it click here for the newscast). We had no electricity at home, so we went and spent the rest of Father’s Day with our Dads – and thanks to my parents’ graciousness, spent the night there so that we didn’t have to worry about not having any electricity to get ready for work in the morning! Even though nothing major happened directly to us, things like this remind me of the fragility of our peaceful little lives. We can have all of our ducks in a row, but all it takes is a little “wind,” and our whole world can so easily be tipped upside down in the matter of a few minutes. It was a good reminder that I shouldn’t get too attached to these things that I see all around me, because I never know what is going to happen tomorrow, but I can remember that I can trust God that He always does what is best, and He’s going to take care of us no matter what happens around us!

Last Weekend's Excitement

Where oh where should I begin? So much happened over the course of a few days… I guess I’ll just do a little run-down of the days’ events. Feel free to skip whichever parts you’d like. :o) Here goes!

Troy and I both had vacation days from work, because we had a trip scheduled to Wisconsin Dells that we had been looking forward to for quite awhile. So we slept in and had a wonderful relaxing morning, and left for the Dells in the early afternoon. We were there by 2, and checked in to our hotel (the HILTON! It was very nice! :). Next we decided to explore a little, and ended up doing the Ducks ride that afternoon. That was fun, and after that we went and did some shopping downtown. We got some YUMMY fudge and moo-lattes around supper time, so we weren’t hungry for a real supper, so we went back to the hotel and relaxed a little, and did a little swimming. When we finally got hungry (around 10PM) and went to a nice restaurant called Houlihan’s – upon suggestion from Troy’s Dad – and it worked out quite nicely since it was right next to our hotel. :) After that it was time to go home and to bed!

We bummed around most of the morning, and around noon went to Mt. Olympus, a water/theme park and spent a few hours there, going on water rides and roller coasters. Fun! Then we went back to the hotel, relaxed, I ran a little bit in their workout room, the we swam, went to Wal-Mart (of course :), and came back and ordered in pizza, swam again, and went to bed.

We slept in and were originally going to go to IHOP for breakfast, but when we got there, the waiting line was out the door!!! So we opted for Frappaccinos from Starbucks, and were on our way home. We made a quick pit stop for lunch at Subway, and headed home. It feels like I’m forgetting so much of the trip, but all in all it was such a wonderful, relaxing time, and much needed quality time spent with my sweet husband! ;o)

We were just getting into our hometown when my mom called us, asking us if we were ok. We didn’t understand why she was asking at first, but after some explaining, we found out that a tornado had just touched down a few minutes before and done some major damage about a block from our apartment! Well, we hurried the rest of the way home, and after a little bit of a runaround due to the fact that the police were blocking off all the streets affected, which included most of the ones that we needed to get home, we finally got back to our apartment, and breathed a sigh of relief that everything was ok. Allie (our cat) was a bit scared and there were a few sticks down in the yard, but other than that, looking out our windows you’d never know it. So we took a walk and took some pictures (if you want to see more about it click here for the newscast). We had no electricity at home, so we went and spent the rest of Father’s Day with our Dads – and thanks to my parents’ graciousness, spent the night there so that we didn’t have to worry about not having any electricity to get ready for work in the morning! Even though nothing major happened directly to us, things like this remind me of the fragility of our peaceful little lives. We can have all of our ducks in a row, but all it takes is a little “wind,” and our whole world can so easily be tipped upside down in the matter of a few minutes. It was a good reminder that I shouldn’t get too attached to these things that I see all around me, because I never know what is going to happen tomorrow, but I can remember that I can trust God that He always does what is best, and He’s going to take care of us no matter what happens around us!

Friday, June 9, 2006

Very Random Update

Just wanted to whip out a quick post because it's been a while since I've updated.
Tonight's my cousin's wedding, that I'm singing in, and also Troy and I are the "host & hostess" of the reception (which basically means we get all the crap jobs. :) No, actually, it should be fun, because we get to greet everyone and mingle and chat, but we also have to help out with making sure there's enough food, punch, etc, and basically making sure that everything's running smoothly. I'm having such a dilemma trying to figure out what to wear! I had something in mind, but it was sleeveleess, and now it's going to be like upper 50's tonight (outdoor reception) - so I really don't want to be freezing my butt off the whole time! I'm going shopping this afternoon as soon as I get off work, so wish me luck! I hope I can find something!
Tomorrow we get to pick out our carpet for the new place! I'm so excited about that! We're hoping to be able to see the inside of the place again before we go carpet shopping - the last time we were there was just the quick walk-through, with all the previous tentant's stuff still in there. I'd like to see it empty to get an idea of where our stuff will go and all that. Anyway - not to bore you with all the details! I'm just really excited about it!
Don't you just hate that when you get bed-sheet nails? My sister and I did french manicures on our nails last night, thinking that would be one less thing to worry about today, but when I got up this morning, my nails had that annoying bed-sheet imprint on them! Grr... maybe I'll put another topcoat on...
The South Beach first week went VERY well, but I've been slacking a bit this week - I've still been pretty good, just not Phase One good, that's all. It's funny, because now that I've been on it for a little while, I am automatically looking at everything as carbs or no carbs! I think it's good, but sometimes you just want to eat a piece of bread without feeling guilty, yunno? :) Oh well, I did this to myself!
I finally heard back from my Dr's office last week about the U/S results - and the nurse basically told me what the technician had said. She said everything looked good/normal, and the cysts didn't really tell us anything. So now I think our only next option is Clomid. I think maybe next month I might try it... since I just missed my chance this month. I'm nervous to try it, just because of all the horror stories I've heard of mood swings and all that. But hey, that's a very small price to pay, right? :) I think maybe I'll ask for a referral to the fertility specialist, too, like the Dr. told me I could do. So far I've been feeling very - umm - not cared for through this whole thing by my Dr's office. Not too impressed, to say the least. *sigh* It stinks.
The class reunion actually ended up to be very nice. We stayed just long enough to catch up with everyone, but not too long. I realized that I kinda miss some of those girls that I went to high school with... it's funny, because I didn't give it a second thought until I actually started talking and laughing with them again. We had some fun times, that although I wouldn't want to go back to it, it is fun to think and talk about with the people that you experienced them with.
Ooo- I ran my 3 miles this week! Monday I did it - and felt GREAT afterwards! It was really exciting! The sad news is that I haven't run at all since then - this week has been too crazy with the wedding and all. But I definitely plan on doing it again on Monday. I hope it wasn't just some fluke-thing and that I won't be able to run the whole thing again! :) Oh well, I'll just keep plugging away. I'm not trying to be a marathon runner or anything!
Ok - I really need to get back to work - I have a half day, and then it's off to shop! Hope everyone else has a fabulous weekend!