Saturday, September 22, 2007

Blog Sweet Blog

Is it possible that it's been almost a month since I've updated, and over a month that we've been here? It hardly seems like it. Unfortunately this is going to have to be a quickie post since the battery on the laptop is almost gone and Troy left the powercord at work. But I HAD to jump on here and just say hey... I miss my blog home. Things are soooo good here, but just not quite totally comfortable yet. Not that I thought they would be, but you know, I guess I'm looking forward to when they are. Sheesh, I wish I had more time. :) Maybe tomorrow.
Anyway - like I said things are good. Troy is just loving his job. They are having him preach and/or teach every Sunday, and keeping him involved in many other things - basically every aspect of being a pastor. And he's getting a lot of time to study, which he loves, so that is wonderful too.
Life has changed SO much for me. I have to admit that I am loving this whole stay-at-home-wife thing. Wish I had a couple little ones to chase around while I was here, but well, that will come. But I'm getting opportunities that I never would have imagined before. I got to substitute teach at the Christian school here - which was tons of fun, and I'm also getting so much more time to play the piano, which I am SO sad that I neglected in the past few years. I've lost so much of what I had! But hopefully I'll be able to get it back before too long. AND I'm taking violin lessons! That was a life-long dream that I'm now finally getting to pursue... wow. God is good.
I gotta run - battery's almost dead, but hopefully I can get on here again soon. Take care girls, I'm thinking of you!

Thursday, September 6, 2007


We're officially Michiganders! For almost a week already! The move couldn't have gone better... despite having to get up at 3:30 am on Friday to make it through Chicago before rush hour traffic hit, it was worth it and we made great time even with a couple stops. Then as soon as the lease was signed and we got our keys, we were greeted by I'd say at least a dozen people from the church to help us unload and the truck was empty in probably 45 minutes flat. Not to mention they brought us enough food and household items to last us for the next 3 months! W have so much food we didn't know where we were going to put it all! Wow - we were just completely overwhelmed! Oh, and Troy's parents were able to come with us for the weekend, so by the time they left on Sunday afternoon we had a good chunk of the unpacking done. As I sit here in the livingroom now, there are just a few boxes left sitting around me to be either put in storage or gotten rid of... the decorations are all up... the bedroom and bathroom are completely done... and I think I could probably tell you were most everything is. :) We're feeling very blessed.
They gave Troy this entire week off to get things settled here and do all the running and calling around that we need to like for car insurance, medical insurance, car licenses, bank accounts, etc, etc, etc. And it's been so nice to have this time together. We're thinking from here on out he's going to be VERY busy, so we're treasuring the time. We've discovered the glory of Meijer (we didn't have any by us before, and now there's one right down the street), and just today we found a little jewel of a mall - well actually it's a big one, but anyway, we enjoyed that for a few hours this afternoon. :) It's been fun.
Wow, what else? Sunday night we got to go over to one of the couples' houses that has adopted 2 kids and are waiting on the 3rd... so we got to grill them a little bit more about all the ins and outs of the process here. They gave us some good tips and I think it will be SO good to have several families to talk to about it. It makes me so excited to think about it.
We just LOVE the church. Every time we're there, or spend time with the people, the other pastors and their families, we just are so thankful to the Lord for bringing us here. It's just that the Spirit is SO evidently alive in this work and in the peoples' hearts... they have such a joy and excitement about serving God. Troy and I were talking about how busy all the pastors are, and yet they don't seem to be upset about it or burnt out at all, in fact, it's quite the opposite. They LOVE what they're doing. We know that we're young, and naive, and God still has SO much to teach us, but we're so excited about this opportunity. Oh, and our last Sunday at our old church was a sweet time as well. They had taken up an offering for us, and it was so obvious that they loved us and would miss us. It was a wonderful send-off.
Oh, there's so much more I'm sure I could say, but I just can't think of it all. I've been thinking about you girls and hope everyone is well... hopefully I can do a little catching up after this, and I'll try to be better about keeping up, even if I'm not on every day like I was before. Life is going to do a complete 180 for us, I think.
Life is crazy... but God is SO good!