Thursday, October 26, 2006

Whew! Crazy Day!

I so wanted to post yesterday, but I’ve been so busy the past 2 days I haven’t had a chance! Didn't I tell you that my job is like that - crazy one minute and then bored to tears the next? Well, this week has proved that.So, quick recap of what I was going to post yesterday:1. I was in a bit of a car accident on Tuesday night. Ha ha. Okay, what kind of freaking moron would actually get in an accident with a PARKED CAR??? Oh yeah, that’s right, that would be me. Monday night I was backing out of our driveway, and we live on a corner. Well, someone started turning onto our street just as I started backing out, so I wanted to do it quickly. In my haste, I sort of neglected to look behind me, and backed RIGHT into the side of a parked car on the other side of the road! IDIOT! (think Napoleon Dynamite) So I pulled back into the driveway and ran up to tell Troy what happened. The damage really wasn’t that bad, and the car that I hit wasn’t exactly in perfect condition anyway. But he thought it would be best to leave a note with our names and phone numbers just to do the right thing. So I did, and then a couple of hours later we saw the guy outside looking at his car, so we ran out. He thanked us for leaving the note, and said not to worry about it right then. (It was like 11:30 PM at this point) He said he’d just call us in the morning or something. But he never called! So it really could have been much worse. My red Cavalier is now the proud new owner of some grey paint scrapes on the back passenger side… but it could be much worse. We’re not going to bother paying our deductible to get it fixed since we’re planning on getting a new car next summer anyway. :) I know, I’ll be driving a jalopy around until then. Oh well.
2. I got flowers at work from Troy on Tuesday! They’re so pretty – they have Hershey Kisses in them on “stems” – kind of hard to explain, but really cute. See, Troy and I have this kind of joke running for the past few years that since he thinks that Sweetest Day is a crock, he doesn’t get me anything that day, but a couple of years ago when we were talking about it he realized how much it bothered me that he couldn’t just get me a couple flowers or a card or something, so he started “Un”Sweetest Day… where he’ll give me flowers or jewelry or something a few days or weeks after Sweetest Day. :) It always makes me smile!

3. Umm, what was 3? Did I only have 2 things? Hmm, seemed like there was so much more. I’ve been busy at work, like I said, because we’re doing our annual United Way campaign, and I’m partly in charge of organizing things. We’re doing a Silent Auction, so people are bringing things in to donate for the auction and I have to approve them and get them all ready and set out. It’s been fun, and it goes until next Saturday, so I should be busy with it until then. Although I’m sure a lot less busy now that it’s all set up.

So, I guess that’s about it. Hope everyone has a great evening! Tomorrow’s Friday!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I'm bored, bored, bored.

I finished just about everything I had to do at work today… by 11:00 this morning. This makes for a very boring day in Cherie-land, if you couldn’t tell. Unfortunately, with all this time on my hands, I don’t have much going on to post about. So you get a very boring post today, you luckies!
As far as ttc goes, today is cd9, with no symptoms yet. I want to check my chart when I get home, but I think my first cycle I didn’t get sore bbs until day 12. So it’s too early to be feeling ANYTHING, unfortunately. I want to FEEL things happening, so that I know somehow that this cycle is going to work. Even if we don’t get pg, I’d still like to o… that’s not too much to ask, is it? I was joking with Troy the other day that all these girls are popping out babies left and right, and I can’t even pop out an egg! We had a good laugh. :) Because if you can’t laugh about stuff, then you’re going to be miserable, right? So we laughed. I just want SO BADLY for this to work this time.

Ummm, in other news… let’s see here. Really, I can’t think of ANYTHING. How boring am I today? Troy made lunch for me today, so that was sweet. Usually we have lunch together, but I have to make it when I come home on my lunch break. Well today he had some nice chicken sandwiches all ready for us. It was nice. :) He’s all excited because, and I don’t think I’ve said anything about this before, but he LOVES flying model airplanes (such a kid at heart :), and he and my brother came up with this scheme to make money selling these airplanes. So they ordered a bunch of them from China, and to make a long story short, the first one is coming tomorrow or Thursday. So he’s like peeing his pants he’s so excited about it. (okay, not really, but he’s pretty excited) And today he got his mid-term grades back, and he’s getting all A’s, B’s, and a couple of C’s, so I’m proud of him. He tries SO HARD – really, he does, and school has never come easy for him, so I think he is just doing EXCELLENT. :)

I’ve got so much to do tonight. Isn't it crazy how life is like that? I'd give anything to be home right now working on this stuff that I have to do, but instead I'm stuck here, twiddling my thumbs... So, tonight I’m supposed to play piano for our nursing home service that our church does (I do this every other Tues), and then I have to go grocery shopping, plus I NEED to do laundry, and I wanted to run… usually the laundry takes 2 hours alone (at the Laundromat – we don’t have hookups in our apt), and I have to travel ½ an hour each way for grocery shopping, so that’s another hour and a ½ at least… and I have to be to Troy’s work by 9:00 to pick him up. Can you see my dilemma? And I wanted to watch Gilmore Girls! I’m hooked now that Lorelai is with Chris again, and Logan is supposed to be back tonight! But unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be watching tonight. :( Oh well. There’s life beyond Gilmore Girls, I guess. Ha ha. :D

Well, is this long enough yet? Are you crying from boredom? Because I’m about to, I swear. Help! Rescue me! Someone needs to post a survey or something!!!

I sincerely hope you girls are having a more interesting day than me! ;)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Life's short. Eat dessert first.

We rented Adam Sandler’s “Click” last night – and although there were some parts that I could have done without, it was a cute movie. It’s the kind of movie that leaves you feeling like you should be thankful for your life as it is, and take advantage of every second. Made me think about how much I love my hubby and want to let him know that – all the time! I’ve been feeling a bit frustrated lately because when he’s in school I do ALL of the housework – every last little bit of cleaning, dishes, laundry, cooking, ironing, cleaning out the cat’s litter, vacuuming, bills, etc, etc, etc… plus working my full-time job, and staying very involved at church. I do it because I want to make things easier for him so that he doesn’t get stressed out about school. Which I am fine with, when he is taking his time at home to actually DO homework. But when he uses his time at home to do things that AREN’T homework, more just like leisurely, enjoyable things for him, I tend to get more than slightly frustrated. Honestly, I don’t think he really stops to think about how much I do around the house… and if he did, he might show a little more appreciation, or at the very least feel obligated to actually do his homework when he is home. I’ve told him this is how I feel, but sometimes it feels like it goes in one ear and out the other. Don’t get me wrong. I love my husband IMMENSELY. Just this one little thing has been getting to me lately. So, all that just to say that the movie last night reminded me that, yeah, I get frustrated. We have our moments. But really, we love each other, and we need to be showing that – and enjoying the time that we have, because...
life is short.
And that’s my two-cents for the day.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


1. If you could build a house anywhere where would it be? ANYWHERE??? Honestly, I’m not really sure. I think that as long as it was with my husband, and we can have kids to fill it up, I’d be happy even if it were in the North Pole. :)
2. What's your favorite article of clothing? Probably my most comfy pajama pants, although I do have a little black dress I just love.
3. The last cd you bought? Ummm, it’s been awhile, but I think it was MercyMe’s “Coming Up to Breathe”
4. What time do you wake up in the morning? Usually between 6:45 – 7:15 (I think I’ve mentioned on here before that I’m one of those people that hits the snooze about 50 times before getting up) Although, yesterday I woke up at 8:09, and I was supposed to be to work at 8:15! I called my boss and she said I could have the day off if I work Saturday till noon. I told you I have the best boss in the world! :)
5. What's your favorite kitchen appliance? My coffeemaker!
6. If you could play an instrument what would it be? I’ve always wanted to learn violin. I’m still entertaining ideas of taking lessons. And I’d love to be better at the piano
7. What are your favorite colors? PINK! Pink, pink, pink. :)
8. Do you believe in afterlife? Absolutely.
9. Which do you prefer sports car or suv? Well, seeing as I’ve never had either, I’ll venture to say that if I had to choose, I’d probably pick an SUV… although I like to drive little cars, so I’m not 100% sure…
10. Favorite children's book? The Little Engine That Could
11. What is your favorite season? Just one? Ummm, probably Summer, but I do love Fall, too, and Spring, and I love the snow in Winter, too… oh, I don’t know!
12. If you could have one super power, what would it be? Invisibility. That would be awesome. :)
13. If you have a tattoo, what is it? Nope, no tattoos on this girl
14. Can you juggle? Absolutely NOT – but Troy’s pretty good at it! :)
15. Name one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to? Ooo, what a fun question. I think, probably my Grandpa G, since he died when I was 8, and always lived half the country away, so I never really got to know him much.
16. What's your favorite day? Day of the year or day of the week? Recently, the fave day of the year has been the day after Thanksgiving. Since my b-day is close to Thanksgiving, typically Troy and I take that day and go somewhere, spend the night, and just have us-time. It’s great. Last year it was Chicago, the year before that it was Appleton, this year I’m trying to talk him into Chicago again since we’re only 2 hours away and I just LOVED it last year, with all the Christmas decorations up and everything. Anyway – if we’re talking day of the week, definitely Saturday, hands down

Monday, October 16, 2006

sigh. what a weekend. what a monday.

Can I vent? Well, sorry, but I’m going to anyway. So as a warning, there will be a lot of whining done today. Don't say I didn't warn you! I love my life. I really do. I love my husband, my family, my church, my friends, my job. But sometimes I just feel so frustrated with… well, almost everyone and everything. Except Troy – he’s been my sweetie through all of this.
I was so set on not focusing on the baby thing… just try and let be what will be. But it seems like ever since I decided to do that, it’s been even harder. I’m trying, I really, REALLY am. But every time I’ve turned around something is reminding me of it and making me all upset again. Sunday, it was a friend of ours who got married after us, started trying about the same time, and now has a happy little 6-month old… asking us “how close” we were to having kids. In church, no less. Troy answered his question – told him the truth, and he responded with, well, we wanted to have another one right away, but our insurance changed and so we have to wait a couple of years now, so we know how you feel. Um, I’m sorry, but did you just say you know how we feel? He really was trying to be sweet and understanding, but really, do you really know how we feel because you can’t CHOOSE to pop out another kid whenever you want? I stood there, avoiding eye contact with him, and biting my lip to keep it from quivering. We left right after that conversation, and I didn’t make it past the front stairs before I couldn’t hold the tears back anymore. Troy asked how I was doing, and I told him not too great, and he was SO SWEET – just let me cry, and held my hand (as he was driving), and he said he’d give anything just to have ONE of our own, so it’s not fair for people to say they know how we feel when they can have as many kids as they want basically whenever they want. So that was our Sunday ordeal. Oh, and we had another little incident with my family. I’m not sure what’s going on there, but honestly, I’m starting to feel a little like my family could care less how Troy and I feel. And then today at work my 7-month pregnant friend decided to ask my how things were going with my “medical situation” as she called it, which, I do appreciate that she was sweet and asked, but am I wrong for not really wanting to go into detail about things to her when she REALLY. DOES. NOT. UNDERSTAND. how I’m feeling/what I’m going through? She tries to be sweet, and I really give her credit for that, but when she e-mails me saying “Just keep thinking positive! I know it’s hard, but everyone is there for you…” Really? Do you know it’s hard? Is everyone there for me? Hmm, sometimes it sure doesn’t seem like it.
I’m sorry. Whine, whine, whine. I know. This post has been extremely negative. I guess I’ve just been feeling a little beaten down the last couple of days. God is good – I KNOW He is, and I also know that He IS doing what is the very best for me. I just really wish sometimes that I could see things from His perspective. Don’t you ever wish that? God, what exactly are You doing, here? Couldn’t you test my faith a different way, please?, because I’m ready for this one to be over with. I always feel bad for saying things like that, though, because I know that, for one, He DOES know what He’s doing, and also, so many other people have struggled for so much longer with infertility. We’ve only been at it for less than a year and a half. Not very long, in the big scheme of things, but it still sucks.
Okay, that’s enough of the depressing talk.
On to the positive things from the weekend:1. Friday night at the mall with the girls. It was lots of fun – they really had a good time, and we’re planning on doing it again. I really love spending time with those girls. Makes me feel young, and yet old at the same time, because I’M the leader now, and it feels like yesterday that I was the one in the youth group, giggling and talking about boys. :)
2. Saturday. Just exactly what a Saturday should be. Sleeping in with my honey, getting the house clean, shopping, eating out, and ending the day with watching a movie. I just LOVE Saturdays like that.
3. Sunday dinner with Troy’s parents. It was good to be able to get away from the comments at church and issues with my family and just laugh and have an enjoyable time with them. They’re always good for that.
4. Sunday afternoon naps. Mmmm, I just love those.
5. Sunday service. Our pastor is out of town, so Troy preached, and it was such a great message. It just makes me oh so excited to realize how he is growing, changing, and becoming a man that I KNOW God is going to use so greatly. Can I just say, I love that man. Oh, and my Pee-Wee’s sang in church, and were SO CUTE. One of the little girls, who is 3, winks at everyone when she is up in front of the entire church. We always say a Bible verse that they’ve learned and sing 2 songs, and another one of the girls informed the whole church that “I know this song!” before we sang the second one. It’s all I can do to keep from laughing out loud! I wish I could get a video of them on here. You girls would melt! I love those kids. ;)
Um, and I guess that’s about it for a really long weekend recap. Oh, and I’m waiting to hear back from the Dr’s office about my chart for this cycle… and I started spotting on Saturday. The nurse said they’ll just up my dosage after the Dr confirms no O on my charts. Yay, here we go again. But we can hope for the best… we HAVE to.
Thanks, girls, for being here. <3

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hump Day Revisited

So, I realize that yesterday was hump day, but I had this whole post dedicated to it all typed up and then the Nest wouldn't let me post it! So, since I didn't have a chance to earlier today, I'm going to recap.
See, I was chatting with our maintenance guy at work on Wednesday morning, and he casually mentions that it was almost Thursday. Stupid me says, “Yup! It's hump day!” without really thinking anything of it... until he says back to me, “well, maybe for you, but every day is hump day for me.” AAAGGHHH!!! I just about died! I mean, it would be one thing if this guy were young, but he's freaking 70 YEARS OLD!!! I couldn't believe he said that to me! So I quickly resolved never to mention hump day to a man again. :)And that was my hump day post - condensed version. I guess it came out kinda boring this time around. Don't you hate that? Oh well.
Ummmm... let's see. I'll be calling the Dr tomorrow, since it will be day 40, and it's my early Friday, so I'll be able to update on Monday to let you know what they say. I'm hoping that they won't make me wait longer before giving me Provera or whatever to bring on AF. I took an HPT yesterday, just so that I could tell them that I KNOW I'm ABSOLUTELY NOT pregnant. What a surprise to only see one line. Ha ha.
I'm taking my youth group girls to the mall tomorrow afternoon, so that should be a good time. :)
And then on to the weekend! We don't really have any plans for Saturday, which is a very good thing. Troy's got homework to do, and I seriously need to do some cleaning around the house. Speaking of the house... the situation hasn't really gotten any better, except that they haven't opened up the doors since Sunday, that we can tell. Unfortunately, though, it still smells. :( But I got some great new candles tonight! Pumpkin Spice, so it'll smell all nice and fall-y.
Well, this post has been pretty-much all over the place, so I guess I'll close it off. I could tell you all about my family drama that we had yesterday, but that would take entirely too long and probably end up boring you to tears, so I won't go into details. Let's just say my dad was kind of a jerk and got me really upset, so I tried to defend myself, and he ended up apologizing, but kind of in a way that let me know that he thought I was still at fault. Mind you, this was all through e-mails, so there's kind of that communication barrier to begin with, and then it's all stretched out over several hours... ugh. Gotta love family, don't ya? I do, but sometimes it's just harder to act like it than others! :)
Anywho, I hope everyone has a loverly weekend! ;o)

Monday, October 9, 2006


Well, we did it. We had the big talk with the landlords. It all started Saturday night, when we came home from being gone all afternoon/evening. As soon as we walked in we could tell that our place smelled very strongly of smoke, and we could hear them shutting the doors downstairs that separate us from them. (Yes, you read that right. They had the ONLY DOORS that separate our apartment from theirs OPEN!!! – and this wasn’t the first time they’ve done this since they moved in) And since they live downstairs, and we live up, the smoke just comes right up the stairs like a chimney when those doors are open. No wonder it’s been smelling so bad! I just about came unglued! So after calming me down, Troy and I sat down and composed a letter telling them exactly how we felt about the situation. For one, our privacy and security felt VERY threatened – to say the least – and then of course the smoke issue. Then we went to a website that had landlord/tenant law to find out what our rights were as far as them opening that door. Basically, we could get them in big trouble for opening that door without warning us, and without a good reason. So we printed that and included it with the letter. We stuck it under their door Saturday night before we went to bed, and Sunday morning when we left for church, there was a note on our door from them saying “We are on the same page. Can we talk this afternoon after 4?” So, of course, we agreed to talk to them, even though we REALLY didn’t think they were on the “same page” as us. I was feeling pretty nervous about it all morning, but Troy and I talked about it and prayed about it, and after that I was feeling better. He just reminded me that we hadn’t done anything wrong, so we really didn’t need to defend ourselves for anything.
So 4:00 came and we traipsed down the stairs to talk to them, and they were very sweet and understanding, or so it seemed. They wanted to show us the circuit breaker box, just in case we needed it sometime when they were gone, so we did that, and then they brought up the situation. Well, supposedly they are going to be putting up a wall up at the top of the stairs with a locking door, which should help eliminate both the smoke and privacy/security issues. They told us they would start on it in about 2 weeks. So, basically we decided we’d give them the 2 weeks, but if it didn’t look like they were going to have it done that quickly, we will seriously start looking for another place. Troy wants me to keep my eyes open, just in case I see something that might be better in the mean time. We still have no guarantee that the wall will solve the smoke problem, and we are NOT thrilled about that. So right now we just have to wait and see if they make good on their promise about the wall and door, but I will definitely be looking in the mean time. I actually found a couple places in the paper that sound nice and I’m going to call them tonight. It couldn’t hurt to have something else lined up just in case, could it? :) And we will definitely be praying, also, because really, we don’t want to move if we don’t have to. And that’s that. What a surprise, more waiting!
Speaking of waiting… I’m on cd 36 today… with nothing. So I’ll be calling the Dr. this week and seeing if they can give me a Rx for Provera or something to get AF to pay me a visit. I just KNOW they’re going to ask if I’m sure that I’m not pregnant, and that always bothers me. DUH!!! I may not be a Dr., but I know enough about my body to be able to tell if I’ve ovulated (thanks to charting), let alone if I’m pregnant! Believe me, I WISH that were the problem! Oh well.
So, that’s pretty much my Monday update. Sorry if it was kinda depressing today. All in all, we did have a good weekend. We spent lots of time with our families on Saturday – although not enough time together :( – but it’s important to have family time, too! We got to be in the nursery at church last night, too, and that’s always fun for me to see Troy interacting with those kids. Still can’t get him to change a diaper, though! He swears he won’t change one until it’s his own baby’s! That’s okay, as long as he really does when it’s his – which I’m sure he will, since he won’t have a choice! ;)

P.S. Am I the only one posting today NOT announcing a pregnancy?

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

It's a good, pink day!

Do you want to know why it’s a good, pink day? The suspense is just killing you, isn’t it? Because I got a pink pen from one of the girls at work! Yes, it doesn’t take much to make me happy! :) It was actually just a coincidence that the pen was pink, but she had gotten it free and knew that I liked those kinds of pens, so she thought of me. That it was pink was just a bonus! So yay for good, pink days!
We had a good weekend. Got to see my brother, SIL and adoreable nephew on Saturday, and spend some time with my parents. Also, long story, but Troy’s truck has been broken down for a long time now, because he thought that the engine was shot. He works on cars, and wanted to fix it himself, so on Saturday he and his dad got the engine out and discovered that instead of a $300 fix, it was only going to be a $20 fix. Little bit of a difference there! So that was great news for us. Hopefully by next weekend he can have it up and running again. Yay!
We’re having special meetings at church this week with an evangelist, so that was kicked off on Sunday. So far they’ve been great. It’s always a challenge to me to be sharing Christ with people who do not know Him. It’s also always encouraging to see God working in the hearts of other people in the church. You can sense a great spirit in the church body.
Not too much else going on. I’m on cd… ummm… 30, I think. I haven’t been paying real close attention since I never o’d this month. Still temping and everything, because it could MAYBE still happen, but I’m really not counting on it. Oh well… I just want to get things rolling so we can start the next cycle. Any suggestions as to how long I should wait before calling the Dr’s office? I was thinking that if nothing happened before day 40 (AF or O) I would call to see if they could get AF going for me. I think it should happen on its own, though. Hopefully!
God’s been working on my heart the past few days about being focused on Him, and not so much about the baby thing. I know that there is nothing wrong with wanting children, in fact I know that it is a natural desire that HE has put in my heart… but right now there are so many ways that I can be serving Him, since He has chosen to not let being a mother be one of them right now. It’s a constant battle, and as I’ve said before, I’m constantly learning more through this struggle, this being the latest. God is so good to me, and there are a lot of ways that I can serve Him without children that I wouldn’t have the opportunity to if I did have kids, so I’m going to really try to take advantage of those and pour myself into them.
Guess that’s about all I’ve got for today. Hope everyone else is having a great Tuesday!


Update: One more reason today is a good day: Troy just gave me an early b-day present (my b-day's not until the end of November) - an MP3 player! I've been wanting one for awhile so I can use it when I run... and he wanted to give it to me so I can still use it while it's still warm! Awww... what a sweetie! I can't wait to start using it!