Monday, June 22, 2009

My, oh my...

I'm not even sure where to start. It's been too long! First things first - nope, no baby yet. But we ARE officially waiting... so I've been trying to stay busy and not think about it much unless I have to - I'd prefer to be pleasantly surprised if it ends up being a short wait, rather than expect it to be short, and be disappointed if it isn't. Of course I can't help but pick things up here and there - we now have the crib, bedding (I decided to go with a completely different one than the one that I got your opinion on below - I'll have to post pictures when I get it all put up :), the walls are painted, there are onesies and a few little outfits in the closet... oh, and I'm thinking about cloth diapers! Any input there??? Pretty much everyone I talk to about it thinks I'm crazy, but I really think it won't be too bad - I got some all in one diapers from someone who had gotten them and decided not to do it, and they're really nice, so I'm thinking that I'll at least give it a try. What do all you moms out there think? I just think that if I'm going to be the one home with the baby, and since we're going to be paying for formula, I might as well save the money and do my part to be "green" :)... right?

I really thought last year's Mother's Day that it would be my last without a baby, so this year was kind of hard, although the people in our church were absolutely amazing. We have several adoptive families, so those couples are always so sweet and understanding. Have I mentioned here how amazing it is that in our small church we have 4 other adoptive families, besides us? When we discovered that I was so excited, because it was just such a "God-thing"! Only He could put those families in our church and surround us with other people who understand and totally relate to what we are doing! 
I'm so thankful that we have the church to throw ourselves into right now. I love it, and God is so good! We're growing (we're running around 60 on Sundays), and my husband is an amazing preacher! Right now we're looking into another building that we might be able to rent - it would be so great to have a place of our own that we could have all the time, not just an hour on Sunday mornings. If the one that we are looking at right now doesn't work out, we know there will be another better option out there! Hopefully before too long, too!
It's a little hard right now because we are still very involved in the church that helped us to get started, and yet we're also becoming more busy with our new church, so we're staying pretty busy these days. This week is VBS at the "old" church (for lack of a better word) - so my mornings are busy there, and afternoons I'm cleaning or working on things for the new church. But like I said, I do love that I'm busy.
Oh, and we have added a member to our family through another kind of "adoption." :) Keebler came to live with us in March - he is a SWEET 6-year-old Golden Retriever who we just adore! The cat - well, not so much, but she's learned to adjust, once she figured out that he wasn't going anywhere, and that he won't do anything to hurt her. :) He has fallen right into life here with us like he's always been here, and we just love having him! I told Troy I thought it would help to fill a void, but actually I think it has just made me more aware of the fact that I don't have a little one to nurture... ah, but it IS nice to have a walking buddy, someone eager to see us when we get home, and another warm (although hairy :) body to share the couch with!
Well, supper's calling! Hubby's cooking steaks on the grill - anyone want to come over? :)